How to Fit Auto Dialer to Burglar Alarm System.

Auto dialers are electronics devices which dials up to stored numbers when it gets triggered,these devices can be connected to the basic burglar alarm systems which doesn’t have  facility to send notifications to mobiles .Now Lets See how Auto dialer (Active GD) is connected to Basic Burglar Alarm system (Active 108).
connect auto dialer to alarm panel
Burglar Alarm systems consists of an Relay which gets tripped during an intrusion /event.The auto dialer can be connected to these relays.When the relay trips during an intrusion its gets the auto dialer triggered which will make the dialer to send notifications to your mobile informing about the event.The relay connection depends up on the alarm panel you use,in ATSS Panels the connections are as in pictures.

Positioning of the Auto Dialer
The auto dialer can be placed adjacent to the control panel or within the control panel.It is ideal to place the auto dialer inside the alarm control panel because the auto dialer has to be accessed for programming only occasionally.

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